Minecraft new york city map 1.7.10
Minecraft new york city map 1.7.10

10) Item spawners may be left unconnected (in which case anyone can pick up their items) or connected (in which case only people on the team of the base connected to the spawner can pick up the items).9) Use the stick of ownership on the flagpole to change the base owner.8) Use the stick of connecting to connect the spawners to the flagpole by clicking one after the other.7) Place a flag at the centre of each base you want to create and then spread some player spawners around the flag in places where you want players to spawn.6) Go to creative mode “/gamemode 1” and spawn in some Player Spawners, Item Spawners and Flags (all of which are in the “Flan’s Mod Teams Stuff” creative tab).4) Enter “/teams setTeams ” and add more teams if the gametype you chose requires more than two teams.3) Enter “/teams listAllTeams” to see the available teams.2) Enter “/teams setGametype ” where is one of the gametypes listed in step 1 (“TDM” for example).1) Enter “/teams listGametypes” into the chat window to see the available gametypes.To use it, you will need to be op on your server. “/teams setGametype None” : Switch Teams mod off.To add an item stack to the spawner, right click it with that stack in your hand.įor more help with teams try “/teams help” To change the spawn delay of an item spawner, right click it with an empty hand.

  • “/teams setVariable friendlyFire false” : Allow / disallow friendly fire.
  • minecraft new york city map 1.7.10

    “/teams setVariable autobalance true” : Enable / disable autobalance.“/teams setVariable scoreLimit 100” : Set the TDM score limit.“/teams armourDrops false” : Turn off armour drops.“/teams weaponDrops smart” : Turn on smart drops (other options are on/off).

    minecraft new york city map 1.7.10

    “/teams canBreakGlass false” : Whether bullets break glass, lightstone and the like.“/teams explosions false” : Whether explosive weaponry damages the environment.“/teams mgLife 100” : Set the lifespan of MGs.“/teams vehicleLife 100” : Set the lifespan of vehicles.“/teams planeLife 100” : Set the lifespan of planes.Now you can set your bases into groups (called maps) and use a simple command to set the current map, and hence the set of currently used bases.“/teams addMap shortName The Long Name of The Map” : Make a new map.“shortName” is a reference name used to set the map and the full name follows.

    Minecraft new york city map 1.7.10