Ultimately the category falls into an awkward area between romance, erotica, and horror. No two discussions I’ve seen of the category ever seem to reach the same consensus as to what dark romance books are, and where they belong. There are a number of things that we don’t have clear cut definitions for in the genre, and dark romance is a good example. Because the genre is so large, and because it both overlaps with other genres, and possesses sub-genres that overlap with each other, there are many areas where definitions get vague and borders begin to blur. I love digging into the hazy, grey areas of the romance genre. Until she finds that dream book job she's surfing an administrative desk, and wracking her fingers at the keyboard writing about the books she loves. Unable to move her study of romance novels to the PhD level she turned instead to blogging about them. Jessica is a recovering MA student, still trying to find a way to make her trained brain forget some of its rigid academic parameters.